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Daca doriti sa revedeti videoclipul CaSa Gravor - jewlery collection 2011, intrati aici:

vineri, 24 iunie 2011

"The Countess"

"Have you ever thought about wearing a red wedding gown on your wedding day?  
Once upon a time that would have been unthinkable, but times are changing.  
Red wedding gowns became popular on the runways about 10 years ago, and they are still hot for that bride who wants to make a truly unique statement on her wedding day.  
Many wedding dresses in China, India, Africa and Vietnam are traditionally red.  
In fact there are many weddings today in the western world where the bride will change into 2 or 3 or more gowns throughout the day. "

"Te-ai gandit vreodata sa porti o rochie rosie in ziua nuntii tale?" asa incepe textul citat mai sus......
Si apoi sunt prezentate niste rochii de vis !!!!

Inspirata si de un film vazut recent, 
am creat un colier la fel de puternic si elegant 
pe care l-am intitulat
"The Countess"

 Set bijuterii "The Countess" - (colier+cercei+inel) - 120 ron

(coral rosu si perle de cultura baby montate pe sarma placata cu argint
 si insertii de margele de 2 mm cu foita de argint)
lungime cercei = 5 cm, 
inel reglabil

 - detaliu -

Un set recomandat caracterelor puternice, mandre si hotarate, care vor sa iasa in evidenta, 
indiferent de rigorile momentului.

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